Why IDS?

In our increasingly complex world, 21st-century professionals need to have creative and entrepreneurial skills and be agile and nimble learners who can navigate the pace of career changes with confidence. The I.D.S. Program empowers students to hone those skills as they explore the academic areas that match their passions and future plans.

I.D.S. provides you the tools to develop these skills on your own terms through classes that you want to take. Becoming an I.D.S. student allows you to earn your degree on your own terms and be the student you want to be.

I.D.S. emphasizes:


VCU Matrix with a brain and refresh symbol encircling it


VCU Matrix with bullhorn graphic


VCU Matrix with a puzzle piece

What Our Students Say

One thing that I love about the B.I.S. program is that is allows me to explore different career paths while still being myself and learning new things.

Nadia Abdikarim
B.I.S. Alum ('19)

[This program] has shown me a whole new way of thinking. I think that is what has surprised me the most about this major... What I’m learning in these classes, I could literally use in everything